Monday, April 27, 2009

Baroness Helmsley Gives Property To Dogs

The “Queen of Mean” Leona Helmsley seems to be not that mean after all. She has left her multi-billion dollar property to charities and dogs.

The famous baroness of the 1989 tax evasion case has led a controversial life till 2007, when she died of heart attack. She became the heiress of the Helmsley hotels after she married Harry Helmsley in 1972 at the age of 51. Of course, the baronet was of 63 years.

She has developed the real estate property and left an estimated $5 billion worth of property before she died. Then the property was handed over to the trustees, who took this long to configure the distribution of the money.

The baroness could still make a sensation, years after her death, by donating $1 million just for dogs. Though she wanted her entire multi-billion dollar fortune to go for dogs, trustees have decided to give only a small amount to them.

Around $136 million goes to the charity, according to what the trustees have announced. $40 million of it is allocated to the Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center of New York.

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