Friday, March 30, 2012

Benefits Garden Cloches?

The best part of gardening is to consider for the protection and maintenance of the plants. Garden cloches are the ideal things for protecting the plants. They have been in use from centuries. They are more commonly bell shaped. Cloche is a French word for bell. One should use garden cloches as they are associated with many benefits. Here are some of them.

  • Cloches are available in different styles and shapes. Victorian and bell shaped cloches are used for protecting individual plants and tunnel shaped ones are meant for protecting multiple plants arranged in a single row. They are mostly made of glass. However, these days many other materials like plastic are also used for making cloches.
  • They are portable and can be easily transported. This feature makes them advantageous over cold frames. They can be installed and dismantled easily. So, they can be used in varying parts of the garden whenever required.
  • The plants are protected by cloches from harsh weather elements like cold, frosts and strong winds. Cloches allow the control of temperature and humidity. They provide and retain the warmth inside. As they warm the soil, they help plants in germination.
  • Plants are even protected from insects, pests and other animals.
  • There is no need to pot the plants as in the case of greenhouse and cold frames. The cloches can be kept over the plants in their existing position.
  • There is no need for heating cloches and hence, they are the best alternatives for gardeners concerned about climatic change.

So, as the cloches provide right protection for your plants with these benefits, it is preferable to use them for your garden plants.

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