Saturday, February 13, 2010

Yoga Is Scientifically Proven To Relieve Stress

People are practicing yoga these days for several reasons. Some people simply desire for improved health and fitness, or they might be seeking relief for a particular physical condition. Others are pursuing yoga as a method to manage stressa. A recent scientific study has further confirmed the benefits which have been talked about for years.

This study was presented in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Nineteen individuals were appointed to either an hour of yoga session to perform yoga postures and alert breathing, or a 1 hour of reading session. It was essential to the creators of the study to compare two activities which are known for relaxing and pleasurable nature, in order to confirm the true power of yoga.

The level of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) was examined for all subjects before and after the session. GABA is a brain chemical which has usually calming, anti-anxiety effect inside the brain.

It was observed that individuals who practiced the yoga session had a 27 percent raise in GABA levels on average. There was no change observed in the levels of brain chemical in the persons who read books.

This prominent study demonstrates some of the health benefits, which are experienced and exclaimed by people who practice yoga regularly with an objective analysis.

Related Links:
Yoga teacher training

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