Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Have some Aquatic Plants for Your Water Garden

fairy houses by miniature-gardening.com
Adding water elements to a garden accentuates its beauty. Create a pond or any other water body in your garden. Grow some aquatic plants in it to make it look beautiful. You can make it colorful and interesting by adding different kinds of plants. Here are some plants that you can have for your water garden.

Lilies are the floating plants which actually get rooted in the bottom of the pond. Tropical and hardy varieties of lilies can be maintained easily. It is lovely to see different colored lilies which last for about four to five days. Water hyacinth and water lettuce are also some floaters which provide coverage for the surface of the water garden and inhibit algal growth.

Certain plants which grow at the edge of the pond in shallow water are called as marginal or bog plants. Like the floating plants, they also provide shelter and protection for the fish or frogs from the sun or predators. Water forget-me-not, Cardinal flower water plant, Swamp Hibiscus, Sweet Flag Umbrella, Tall Horsetail and Marble queen are some of the examples of marginal plants that can be added to your water pond.

Submerged plants such as Anacharis, Hornwart, Cambomba and Parrot Feather are oxygen suppliers providing oxygen for the living organisms growing in the pond. So, do not forget to add them to your water garden. These plants remain just below the surface of water and prevents the water garden from becoming stagnant. Remember that you should use only pot for all the plants except floaters with heavy clay soil. In order to accommodate the varied depths for each plant, you can adjust the height by using bricks. So, get to the nearby garden store and get some aquatic plants to add to your water garden bringing an attractive appeal.

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