Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Butterfly Garden Beautifies Your Home

Butterflies are the beautiful transformational insects which represents attraction. It is lovely to see your garden filled with colorful butterflies. You can turn your garden in to a butterfly garden by adding plants which the insects love to feed and lay eggs on. You can create a butterfly garden of a size of a window box. You can also turn a part of your landscaped yard or an unintended area on your property to a butterfly garden.

In order to develop it, you need to know first about the species of butterflies that are famous in your locality. Know the plants that they feed on. Special plants which are used by the butterflies for feeding and laying eggs are termed as host plants. Plant, caterpillar host plants and adult nectar plants in your garden to attract them. In stead of a single plant with few flowers, it is better to have many plants which flower at the same time that are more attractive to them. They usually get attracted to damp and slightly salty areas for intake of salt. So, provide such places to attract them.

Flowers with pink, purple, yellow, orange, white, blue and red colors attract the butterflies. So, make sure that you plant flowering plants of these different colors. It is preferred to plant them in sunny places. Some rocks or stonewalls should be provided where butterflies can bask in the sun. This is because they need warmth before becoming active. It is also good to provide sheltered areas like shrubbery or brush piles for protection from wind and rain. Many plants like lilac, citrus, asters, sunflowers and so on can attract butterflies and can be grown in your garden. It helps in increasing the number of the insects which otherwise have been becoming extinct with many common human activities like building homes, roads and farms.

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